Black Panther journalist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal is currently serving a life sentence in solitary confinement at Mahanoy State Correctional Institution. On Thursday, April 15, 2021 Mumia was transported to an unknown hospital in Pennsylvania after complaining of chest pain. He underwent emergency heart surgery with no recent update on his status. An emergency press conference consisting of Angela Davis, Marc Lamont Hill, Pam Africa, Johanna Fernandez, and grandson Jamal Hart, Jr.
Mumia has been suffering health problems since March 30, 2015, as he suffered a diabetic shock and was diagnosed with active Hepatitis C. In August 2015 his attorneys filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, alleging that he did receive appropriate medical care for his serious health conditions. Further health problems arose, as he currently suffers with an acute skin rash condition that emerged from his battle with Hepatitis C. His current skin rash consisting of open lesions and blisters, leaves him highly susceptible to infections. This dramatic and dangerous new development comes on the heels of Mumia surviving Covid-19 several weeks ago.
Supporters and organizers are insisting on and demanding several key items:
I) Allowed immediate contact with his wife Wadiya Jamal, his principal spokesman Pam Africa, his personal physician Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, and his spiritual advisor Dr. Mark Taylor.
2) Not be shackled over the course of his current medical treatment so as not aggravate his skin condition.
3) To be freed as an innocent man on the basis of a compassionate medical release, “release is his only real treatment option,” according to his personal physician Dr. Ricardo Alvarez.
Mumia will be the subject of a weekend of support and protest activity on the weekend of April 24th, which will be his 67th birthday. Those activities are detailed at letmumiaout.com.
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