via: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
July 26, 2022 @ 1:00-3:00pm (EDT)
EPA is interested in hearing from overburdened and underserved communities and other key stakeholders about potential requirements for states to conduct meaningful engagement in developing their state plans under Emissions Guidelines issued under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.
The Agency’s proposed Emission Guidelines for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry included a requirement to meaningfully engage with communities during state plan development (beyond holding public hearings). As we develop the supplemental proposal for the Emissions Guidelines for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry, along with other section 111 (d)-related rules (e.g., power sector and subpart Ba implementing regulations), EPA would like to hear more from communities and other key stakeholders about potential meaningful engagement requirements.
The proposed meaningful engagement requirements for the oil and gas rule are on page 1584 of the Federal Register notice of the rule (linked here:
On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 @ 1:00-3:00PM (EDT), EPA will host a roundtable to hear directly from communities on Meaningful Engagement in Emissions Guidelines under Clean Air Act section 111(d). During this roundtable, we have listed several questions (see below “Questions to Consider in Advance” that we would like to discuss. We are looking forward to your participation and encourage you to share this invitation with other community stakeholders.
How To Participate
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EST)
Audience: Communities and other Key Stakeholders
How to Participate: We will be using Microsoft Teams for this event. You will have the option of joining by either a computer link or by telephone (not both).
Microsoft Teams meeting
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For all EPA meetings, there is no expectation of privacy regarding any communications. Participation in a recorded meeting will be deemed as consent to be recorded. Information on EPA systems is the property of the Agency and may become official records.
- During the development of state plans, please tell us how meaningful engagement between states and community stakeholders should look.
- We’d like to understand how you interact with your state during development of state regulations. Does your state reach out to community stakeholders to discuss regulations as they are being developed? What do they do well? What concerns do you have?
- Do you consider it more effective to engage with all stakeholders at once or to engage with different groups of stakeholders separately?
- What types of community stakeholders should be engaging with states during regulation development that may be inadvertently left out of the process?
- At what point in the regulatory process should engagement begin, and why?
- How do you hear about meaningful engagement opportunities? How would you like that to change?
- What are the barriers to participating in meaningful engagement during regulatory development, and how could these barriers be addressed?
- What information or resources could EPA provide that would be helpful in facilitating meaningful engagement?
- What else should we know about requiring meaningful engagement?
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